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Lutheran schools can use the LEA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window to export Lutheran Student Census data. 

The LEA census utilises the same logic as the Non Demographic Student Censes (STUCENS 3), see Running the Student Census - Australian Non-Government Schools report and the numbers in the reports should (as a general principle) align.


Import/Export Student Data - LEA tab key fields and buttons

Fields and buttons



YearFile year to process.
CampusCampus to process.
Output Mode

Mode of the report.

LEA Output File

Select to export the LEA Census Data.

titleLEA Output File field configurations

Insert excerpt
Report mode
Report mode

Student PreviewSelect to preview the details of students included in the export in the Students Included in LEA Data Export window.
Census Date

Official date of the census.

Important: This field is used to determine whether students are included or excluded from the report. For example, students with a Leaving Date before this date are excluded from the report.

Age at Date

Date used to calculate the age of the students.

Apply Reference Period Check

Select this field to enable the reference period check fields.

Reference Period Days

Number of days in the reference period.

Important: Do not change the Reference Period Days field unless the Department of Education defines a new reference period. Currently, the census reference period consists of twenty school days (excluding weekends and school holidays) leading up to and including the census day.

Attendance for File Type

Select this field to include students from a particular file type, such as Academic.

Note: You cannot select this field if you have selected the Absence Events Daily Calc field.

Absence Events Daily Calc

Select this field to include students provided they have at least one day in the reference period where their absence factor is less than 1.0.

Note: You cannot select this field if you have selected the Attendance for File Type field.

Year LevelExport records within the selected year level range.
File NameFile name of the export.




Export the LEA data.