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The Send Email(s) window is always displayed when you email from a grid.
Depending on how Synergetic email is set up at your organisation, you may also see this window when you click on the email icon Image Removed Image Added to start email.
Example of sending an email

  1. Right click on a grid.
    Image RemovedImage Added 

  2. Select Email Record... or Email All Records...
    The Send Email(s) window is displayed.
    Image RemovedImage Added

  3. Update the fields as required.
  4. Click Image Removed Image Added.
    The Email Authentication window is displayed. See Email Authentication window (on page ).
  5. You can:
    • Click Image Removed Image Added to configure your email settings. See Using the Email / SMS Configuration window in the System maintenance manual.
    • ClickImage Removed Image Added to send the email on another staff member's behalf. See Sending an email on behalf of another staff member (on page ).
    • Select to send a copy of the email to yourself, with or without a list of recipients.
  6. Click Image Removed Image Added.

The email is sent to the recipient.
Send Email(s) window key fields and buttons
Compose Email area fields

(on page ).



Merge Fields

Double click a merge field to add it at the cursor's current position. See Using merge fields in emails and SMS messages (on page ).
Note: This field is only displayed if the Enable Merge Fields field is selected.


Recipients of the email. This is either:

  • the email address of the community member or staff member
  • <Multiple Recipients> if there are several currently selected.


Email address of others whom you want to send a copy of the email to.
Note: This field is not always displayed.


Summarise the reason for sending the email.

Msg Type

Whether the message is sent as:

  • HTML
  • plain text.

    Note: Images cannot be pasted into plain text emails.
    If you choose HTML Raw (including tags), the Image Removed Image Added button becomes available to allow you to preview the message in a web page layout.


Select the document classification from the drop-down list. See Communications Maintenance - DocMan tab in the Development manual.

ID Field to Use

If several ID fields are available, select which Synergetic ID field to use as the recipient.
For example, if emailing from the Relations tab of Current Student Maintenance, you can select to email either the student or their relations.
Note: This field is only displayed if there are multiple fields from which IDs could be selected.

Enable Field Merging

Select to include merge fields to personalise each email with the recipient or student's name. See Using merge fields in emails and SMS messages


Send to Parents

Select to send the email to the parents or guardians of the listed recipients. See Sending emails from a grid (on page ).
Note: When this field is selected the parent records will be marked with a "+" in the Merge fields area.
Activation of this field is managed using the Email: ShowSendToParentFlag configuration setting. See Email: ShowSendToParentsFlag configuration setting.
Note: When parents with multiple students are sent an email without merge fields (see below) they will only receive a single email.

Select Signature

Select which signature to use on this email. See Maintaining email signatures (on page ).

Use template

Select a template to use for the Email. To add, edit or delete templates. See Maintaining email templates (on page ).


Enter your detailed message in the body of the email.
Tip: Right click the message area to cut, copy or paste text.
Image Removed Image Added


(on page ).
Note: The text on this button changes to reflect the number of files attached to the email. For example:



Image RemovedImage Added

Edit the list of people who will receive the email. If there are multiple recipients, you can:

  • add a member of the Synergetic community
  • add the parent of a student
  • add a staff member
  • delete anyone listed.

    Note: The Send to Parents field is not usable once you have edited the recipient list. You must take care to add the correct recipients.
    Image Removed Image Added
    Tip: Select Hide Empty Address(es) to only show people who have an email address listed.
    Note: If you are sending an email to one person only, the Find Name on Community window is displayed. Search for the community member you want to email and click Image Removed Image Added .

Image RemovedImage Added

Preview the HTML message if the Message Type is HTML Raw (including tags) selected.
Note: The button is disabled if Plain Text is selected.

Image RemovedImage Added

Manage the files attached to this email. See Attaching files to emails

Image Removed Image Added.

Image RemovedImage Added

Add, edit or delete email signatures. See Maintaining email signatures (on page ).

Image RemovedImage Added

Add, edit or delete email templates. See Maintaining email templates (on page ).

Image RemovedImage Added

Load an HTML file to populate the message field.

Image RemovedImage Added

Open the Email Authentication window to send the email to the recipients, along with any attachments. See Email Authentication window AnchorH_34488H_34488 (on page ).
Note: Depending on your organisation's configuration and your user preferences, a spell check may be run. See Setting up Synergetic the way you want (on page ). Also see Spell check and spelling options AnchorH_33996H_33996 (on page ) in the System maintenance manual.