Since 2008, Synergetic has been used to meet the New Zealand Ministry of Education (NZ MOE) attendance and absence requirements.
Either Synergetic or SynWeb can be used by teachers to record student attendances. See:
- Class attendance
Anchor H_18758 H_18758 (on page ) in this manual - Class attendance in the SynWeb Attendance and absence events manual.
Attendance and absence codes
The following attendance and absence codes apply to New Zealand schools.
Code | Reason | Description | In class? | Audit code | Truancy code | Half day calc |
? | Unknown | This is the initial entry for a student not in class and the reason is unknown. | No | U | U | A |
A | Alternative education | The student is not in class, is on the school roll but is funded elsewhere. | No | N | P | P |
C | Justice Court proceedings | Under existing legislation this type of absence is deemed to be present when calculating half day summaries. | No | J | J | P |
D | Doctor/Dentist | Under existing legislation this type of absence is deemed to be present when calculating half day summaries, provided there is documentation verifying it. | No | J | J | P |
E | Explained but unjustified | An explained absence where the explanation is accepted by the school as the reason for the absence but is not a justifiable reason for the student to be absent even though the parents or guardians may think it justified.For example, staying home to look after a younger sibling. | No | U | U | A |
F | Off site course/class | The student is not in class but is on a legitimate off-site school-based course. | No | S | P | P |
H | Health camp/school | The student is not in class but is in an approved environment for which the school is entitled to be funded, including:
| No | F | J | P |
I | Internal school appointment | Students who are out of class for internal school appointments, such as meeting with form teachers, deans, senior management, counsellors, sports administrators, nurses or careers advisors. | No | J | J | P |
J | Justified | Justified explanation within the school policy that may include:
| No | J | J | A |
K | Teen parent unit | The student is not in class, is on the school roll but funded elsewhere. | No | N | J | P |
L | Late | School policy (or teacher policy) will determine when this entry is made.For example, the school may decide that more than 5 minutes late is considered late and more than 15 minutes late is considered truant. | No | P | P | P |
M | Medical/illness | Student is at home, with an illness or medical reason. Depending on your organisation's policy, a medical certificate may be requested for a prolonged illness. | No | J | J | A |
N | School based activity | On site school-based activity, such as:
| No | S | P | P |
O | Justified Overseas | The student is accompanying or visiting a family member who is on an overseas posting. For example, a military or diplomatic posting. | No | J | O | A |
P | Present | Student is in their regular class. | Yes | P | P | P |
Q | Attending a school trip/camp | Off-site school-based activity, such as:
| No | S | P | P |
R | Removed temporarily from class | Students who are being temporarily supervised in another teacher's class or in the administration corridor. | No | S | P | P |
S | Sick bay | Student is known to be in the school sick bay. | No | J | J | P |
T | Truant | Absences where no written or phone explanations are received. | No | U | U | A |
U | Temporarily withdrawn/stood down | Student is stood down or suspended according the conditions of Section 14 of the Education Act 1989. | No | J | J | A |
V | Study period | This code is for supervised and possibly unsupervised study periods. | Yes | S | P | P |
W | Work experience | Student is working for a recognised employer as part of their course. | No | F | P | P |
X | Exam leave | Under existing legislation, a student on exam leave from school is deemed absent when calculating half day summaries. | No | S | J | A |
Y | Activity centre | The student is not in class but in an approved environment for which the school is entitled to be funded. | No | F | J | P |
Audit codes
The following audit codes apply to New Zealand schools and are used for audit resourcing.
Audit code | Description |
S | Student is not in class but is on a legitimate school-based activity. |
J | Student is not in class but the absence is justified (Ref 1998/48 Circular). |
F | Student is not in class but is in an approved environment for which the school is entitled to be funded with the required supporting documentation. |
U | Student is not in class and the absence is unjustified. |
P | Student is present for tuition in the class. |
N | Student is on the school roll but is funded somewhere else. |
Truancy codes
The following truancy codes apply to New Zealand schools and are used for truancy reporting.
Truancy code | Description |
J | Justified absence. |
U | Unjustified absence. |
P | Present. |
O | Overseas holiday. |
- attendance rate calculation and reporting
- alerting the school should a student's unjustified absenteeism reach a certain number of half days.
Half day calculation code | Description |
A | Marked as absent based on certain absence codes that apply to the student's class on a given day. |
P | Marked as present based on certain attendance and absence codes that apply to the student's class on a given day. |