You can configure some of SynWeb's attendance features through Synergetic Configuration File Maintenance.
See Configuration File Maintenance window and Lookup Table Maintenance window in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
Key configuration settings
Configuration setting | Description | See |
DefaultAttended | Used to control whether students default to Attended when marking attendance. | |
DefaultSubmit-ButtonDefaultSubmitButton | Used to determine whether the Submit or Submit and Close button is clicked when pressing the Enter key on Create Absence Events window. | |
DescriptionShort | Used to define the file semester text displayed at the top of the Attendance Maintenance window. | DescriptionShort configuration setting |
RefreshFromDays | Used to determine the number of prior days of data refreshed by the attendance summary cacher. | |
ShowDaily-Attendance-StringColumn-FlagShowDailyAttendanceStringColumnFlag | Used to determine whether or not the Daily Attendance column is shown in SynWeb. | |
ShowStudent-AlertIconsShowStudentAlertIcons | Used to determine whether student alert icons can be displayed in Attendance Maintenance. | |
ShowAlerts-Checkbox:StickyControl-EnabledFlagShowAlertsCheckbox:StickyControlEnabledFlag | Used to determine whether SynWeb remembers your selection on the Show Alerts field in Attendance Maintenance. |