Use the Sales bar to:
Staff Maintenance - Sales bar key fields and buttons
Sales grid area fields
Field | Description |
Date | Date of the sale. |
Business Unit | Business unit used for the sale. |
Items | Number of items sold. |
First Item | Description of the first item sold. |
Sale Total | Total amount of the sale, including GST. |
Payment Method | Method of payment used. |
Sales Details grid area fields
Field | Description |
Line | Line number of the sales line item. |
Item Description | Description of the item. |
Item Code | Unique identifier of the item. |
Qty | Quantity of this item that was sold to the customer. |
Unit Price | Price for each individual item, including GST, if any. |
Tax Code | Tax code used for the sale. |
Tax | Total tax payable for the line item. |
Discount | Total discount applied to the line item. |
Extended | Extended quantity for the line item, calculated by multiplying the Qty and Unit Price fields and subtracting the Discount field. |
Button | Description |
Preview the sales docket for the selected sale in Crystal Reports. |
Common buttons
Button | Description |
Create a new staff member. See Creating staff members (on page ). | |
Delete the selected staff member. See Deleting staff members or making them inactive (on page ). | |
Display the Staff Maintenance Search Criteria window. | |
Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual. | |
Create a new task relating to the current staff member. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual. | |
Click to refresh the screen for the selected staff member. |