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When you first start Community Maintenance, the Community Maintenance Search Criteria window is displayed to allow you to find the community members you want.

Note: You can also access this window by clicking the button on the banner.

How to use the Community Maintenance Search Criteria window

On the Community Maintenance Search Criteria window you can:


At any stage you can change your selections. To do this, click and then make your new selections.
Fields that you type in are not case sensitive and can be entered in either upper or lower case or a mix of both. For example, name fields are not case sensitive.
Tip: Fields that have a drop-down list to choose from, such as Campus or House, are case sensitive. We recommend that you always select these fields from the drop-down list rather than typing them in.
Tip: You can mouse over the community selector to quickly view a community member's constituencies.

Community Maintenance Search Criteria key fields and buttons

General tab fields




Search by community member personal details, including name, address, vehicle, nationality and company details.
Note: When searching for community records using the Postcode field, Synergetic searches for like records instead of exact matches. For example, if you enter 3 in the postcode field, Synergetic returns records that have postcodes starting with 3.


Search by community member occupation.

In Constituency
Not In Constituency

Search for community members who do or do not belong to a particular constituency. For example search for all community members who are not debtors.
See Community Maintenance - Constits bar.
Note: You can search more than one constituency by selecting And or Or.

Giving tab fields




Search for community members who have:

  • supported an appeal or made a donation
  • donated a specified amount
  • donated during a specified period.


Search for community members who have:

  • made a pledge
  • pledged a specified amount.

Foundation Basis

Search for community members who have a foundation basis in the selected range, if your organisation has a foundation.

Note: A foundation basis is the sum of receipts and pledges from the donor. Different types of giving and different funds can contribute to the foundation basis in different proportions. For example, gifts could be 100% and pledges 50%. Gifts in kind can lead to the foundation basis being adjusted manually.

Prospect Tracking tab fields



Prospect Tracking

Search for community members who have offered to support your organisation's appeal.


Search for community members by the prospect tracking activity types on their record.

Communications/Events tab fields



Current Communications

Specialised lists associated with the community member.

Past Communications

Specialised lists associated with the community member.

Current Events

Events the community member is currently attending.

Past Events

Events the community member has attended.

Past Students tab fields



Peer Year

Year the student:

  • Completed or would have completed their final year of schooling. This is typically Year 12 in Australian high schools and Year 13 in New Zealand.
  • Started at your organisation, if your organisation is a tertiary institution or residential college.

Last Campus

Campus the student attended during their last year.

Last House

House the student belonged to during their last year.

Name at School

Name of the student used at your organisation.
Note: Format should be Surname, Given 1 (Preferred).
For example, a past student may have married and changed their name.

Entry Year Level

Year level the student started in at your organisation.

Year Left

Year the student left your organisation.

Last Year Level

Year level the student was in when they left your organisation.


Branch of the association that the past student is a member of. For example, Life Member Association - UK Branch.

Sub School

Search for students by the sub-school they are grouped into, if applicable.
This is used mostly by multi-campus organisations that provide schooling for all year levels at each campus. For example, year levels can be grouped into:

  • junior school
  • middle school
  • senior school.

    Warning: Do not add sub-schools by selecting from the right click menu because entries are required in both the luSubSchool and the luYearLevel lookup tables.
    See luSubSchool lookup table and luYearLevel lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Skills & Qualifications tab fields



Skill Code

Unique identifier for the skill.
Note: The list of skills is maintained in the luSkill lookup table.

Skill Level

Level of skill attained by the community member.

Attained Date

Date the skill was attained.

Expiry Date

Date the skill expires. For example, a first aid skill expires by a particular date unless recertified.

Qualification Code

Unique code for the qualification.

Qualification Level

Level of the qualification. For example secondary, tertiary.

Training Provider

Organisation providing the training and conferring the qualification.

Major 1-2

Major fields of specialisation.

Minor 1-2

Minor fields of specialisation.

Attained Date

Date the qualification was conferred.

Expected Attainment Year

Year when a partially completed qualification should be completed.

Other tab fields



Notes Contains

Search for community members who have notes containing the word or words in this field.

Any Notes

Select to search for all community members who have notes attached.

Biography Contains

Search for community members who have a biography containing the word or words in this field.

Any Biography

Select to search for all community members who have a biography.

Confidential Contains

Search for community members who have confidential notes containing the word or words in this field.

Any Confidential Notes

Select to search for all community members who have confidential notes attached.


Search for community members who have the selected relationship with another community member. You can select up to three relationship types to search by.

Common fields and buttons
Common fields



Exclude Students

Select to exclude students from the search.

Common buttons



Create a new community member. See Creating community members.

Image RemovedImage Added

Search for community members based on the given criteria.

Clear all fields.

Cancel the search.